Non-profit Online Health Teaching For You and Your Family
There is always something to learn.
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Infant CPR (Offered in Chinese)
06 October 2022
Anyone who is taking care of the baby or child should know the basics of performing CPR, it's LIFESAVING.

Fever and Its Management in Baby and Children (Offered in Chinese)
21 October 2022
Knowing how to manage your little one with fever is an essential skill that every parent should learn. This session is offered to educate parents about symptom management of fever and when to seek help from the doctor/hospital. Our topic also touches on dehydration and febrile seizures.

COVID, RSV, Flu in Infant and Children (Offered in Chinese)
8 November 2022
Have you ever heard of horrible stories about children who caught COVID/RSV/Flu that ended up in hospitals? Have you ever caught these viruses yourself? This workshop is extremely helpful during the pandemic as it teaches parents and caregivers prevention measures and home management of COVID-19/RSV/Flu for our babies and children.

How to Avoid Risk Factors in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Shaken Baby Syndrome (Offered in Chinese)
18 November 2022
We can't stress more about the importance of safe sleep environment. Every baby deserves to sleep in a safe environment and this workshop teaches parents how to minimize risk factors for SIDS. We also touch a little about shaken baby syndrome which is 100% preventable!

Postpartum Care for New Mothers
9 January 2023
A quick guide to new mothers about what to expect right after giving birth. We believe that all childbearing individuals should be well taken care of, families are also welcome to join our free education session.

Postpartum Mood Disorders and Self-care
27 January 2023
In this session we have invited our guest speaker Fen. Fen is a psychotherapists who owns a private practice based in the Greater Toronto Area. She spoke about treating and dealing with postpartum blues, postpartum depression and mood disorders. She also shared insights towards self-care.

Taking Care of Older Adults with COVID-19, RSV, Flu and Common Cold Symptoms
12 February 2023
A shift in focus! PregoWell Inc. presented this workshop in collaboration with one of our partners CCAA to help spread the knowledge of symptom management when dealing with a respiratory illness in adults.

PregoWell Inc. x Pharmacist
Pharmacists Can Prescribe Minor Ailments Now!
13 February 2023
This time PregoWell Inc. started a new series where we invite guest speakers from all fields to provide health, education and much more topics. Our first speaker is Winnie, a pharmacist who just opened a pharmacy in 2022 (congratulations!). She is here to answer our questions related to medication insurance, pharmacy choices, infant-safe medications, pregnancy vitamins and of course, the pharmacist new scopes! This podcast series is provided solely in Mandarin and is uploaded in Little Planet.

PregoWell Inc. x Chiropractor Postpartum Therapies: Do's and Don'ts
27 February 2023
We know that moms are eager to get back to shape right after delivering the baby. Be cautious when you choose commercially advertised therapies on the market! Our guest speaker Dr. Jes Huo provided a session to help new mothers identify different types of therapies on the market, including but not limited to: massage therapy, pelvic floor therapy, pilates and etc. This podcast series is provided solely in Mandarin and is uploaded in Little Planet.

PregoWell Inc. x Long Term Care Nurse Falls Risk Prevention
6 March 2023
PregoWell Inc. was invited by our community center to bring the topic of falls to every elderlies' attention. Here is how we can prevent falls and assess fall risks at home from a nursing point of view! This podcast series is provided solely in Mandarin and is uploaded in Little Planet.

PregoWell Inc. x Children's Dental Hygienist Caring for Your Little One's Growing Teeth
12 March 2023
This time we have invited our guest speaker Macy, she is a dental hygienist at a Children's dental clinic and she is willing to share everything we should know about caring for our baby's teeth!

PregoWell Inc. x Diabetes Educator Registered Dietitian Gestational Diabetes
2 April 2023
This time we have invited our guest speaker Ann, she is a registered dietitian at a Diabetes Education Clinic of a general hospital. She shared the basics of gestational diabetes management to help raise the awareness of healthy eating during pregnancy.

PregoWell Inc. x Registered Dietitian Essential Nutrients for Infants Under 1 Year Old
6 April 2023
Our guest speaker Yi Jin, a registered dietitian will speak about starting solids and the essential nutrients that babies need before turning 1 year old. We also read some nutrition labels in this seminar.

PregoWell Inc. Founder Karen Liu Summer Essential: Sun Protection & Insect Prevention for Infants and Children
15 April 2023
Sun protection and insect protection are important measures that we can take to protect ourselves when spending time outdoors. Sun protection helps prevent sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer caused by exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Insect protection, on the other hand, helps prevent insect bites that can transmit diseases such as malaria, Zika, and Lyme disease. By taking simple precautions such as wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen and insect repellent, and avoiding peak sun and insect activity times, we can enjoy the outdoors safely and reduce our risk of harmful sun exposure and insect-borne illnesses.

PregoWell Inc. x Pharmacist Skin Care Basics for Infant and Children
30 April 2023
Winnie, our pharmacist is here again! This time we share a conversation about the use of medication for infants and young children's skin. The discussion will approach the topic from the perspectives of both nurses and pharmacists, aiming to help new parents alleviate parenting anxiety and address skin-related issues in infants and young children correctly.

PregoWell Inc. Founder Karen Liu Taking Care of Sick Kids Part 1
21 May 2023
This time we will discuss some common physical issues in infants and young children and how to care for your baby at home and when to seek medical attention. Part 1: Common cold, fever, runny nose, and cough.

PregoWell Inc. Founder Karen Liu Taking Care of Sick Kids Part 2
28 May 2023
This time we will discuss some common physical issues in infants and young children and how to care for your baby at home and when to seek medical attention. Part 2: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

PregoWell Inc. x Labour Delivery & Postpartum Nurse The things that happen on the day of giving birth
16 June 2023
This time, we have invited Canadian labor and delivery nurse Joy and postpartum nurse Yuki to share with us some of the things you may encounter on the day of giving birth to your baby.

PregoWell Inc. x Pharmacist Postpartum Weight Loss Medication
23 June 2023
Our pharmacist Winnie is here for the third time! This time she shares information on postpartum weight loss medication, injections and pills – Are They Really Safe? How Should You Use Them?

PregoWell Inc. Founder Karen Liu Ontario Vaccines
30 July 2023
This lecture covers topics that are of great interest to all of us regarding infant and toddler vaccines. These include: How to compare Canadian and Chinese vaccines in both English and Chinese? What are the routine vaccines in Ontario? Which vaccines are mandatory for school entry? Which private vaccines should be administered, and which ones can be delayed for some time? And so on...

PregoWell Inc. x Psychiatrist: Common Mental Health and Behavioural Disorders in Children
3 September 2023
This time we invited Dr. Alex Xiang (M.D), an Ontario psychiatrist to share the knowledge of common mental health disorders in children, including ADHD, ASD and etc. The talk is informative and is a great resource for parents who are worried about their children developing mental health issues.

Our Affiliations
